Tuesday 21 July 2020

Our Favourite Story...

                                                 HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                             (Communication, Language and Literacy)

Things you will need:
Your favourite story

We loved listening and retelling stories in Nursery!
Have a think... what was your favourite story?
Here are a few examples...

Share/Comment with your family:
CHALLENGE: Draw your favourite story!
Who are the characters?
What are the key events in the story?
Why do you like it?
Can you retell your favourite part of the story?

Our Favourite Songs!!

On our last day of term let's dance to our favourite songs from throughout the year!!!

Let's Shake Our Sillies Out....

And jump around to the action song...

If You're Happy....

Alan the Alien's Rainbow Sentences!

It's Alan the Alien's last rainbow sentence session!!
Today we are learning a new colour to add into our rainbow sentences... what colour do you think it is?

Brown is our new colour and we are learning the word WHEN.

Can you wiggle your finger on your cheek for the action for WHEN?

Click on the picture of Alan to watch the video of how we add WHEN into our sentences....

Thanks Alan... see you next term!!!

Monday 20 July 2020

Maths Home Learning Ideas

Here are some ideas for various Maths activities that can be completed at home during the summer holidays!
Check out these fun ideas to practise counting, recognising, ordering and writing numbers to 10

Please send any pictures to debeauvoirprimaryschool@gmail.com

Our last Concept Cat!

Concept Cat is here again for the last time this school year!!

Today she will be teaching you the word "between."
Do you know what that means?
Where should Concept Cat sit to be "between" the crocodile and the elephant?

Can you say the word "between" slowly? quickly? loudly?
How many syllables are in between?
Can you sit between two of your friends/family?

Thanks alot Concept Cat, see you in September!!!

My favourite thing to do is....

                                                     HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                  (Communication, Language and Literacy)
Things you will need:

We had a wonderful time in Nursery making lots of friends, learning new skills and completing lots of different activities!
Have a think what you enjoyed about Nursery the most?
Playing on the bikes? Painting? Play dough? Reading stories?

Comment/Share with your family:

CHALLENGE: Draw your favourite things to do in Nursery! You can give this to your new teacher so they know what you like!
Why do you like it?
What else do you like to do?

Friday 17 July 2020

Our last week in our EYFS bubble

This week we have been exploring the story 'Tadpole's Promise'.

We explored the lifecycle of a frog, retold the story, made pond pictures, frogs and butterfly snacks!

We explored our outdoor areas and searched for minibeasts and remade some using a range of art materials.

We continued to explore our Gross Motor Skills and built dens and houses.

What a lovely week!

Flower Number Ordering!

Buzzy Bee needs your help to put the flowers in the correct order!!
Can you recognise your numbers to 10?
Can you help order the flowers to 5 and then 10?
Click on the picture to play the game....

Can you practise writing your numbers?
You could use:
Paintbrushes and water
Mark make using flour/ salt and your finger!

Alan the Alien- Where?

                                                        HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                     (Communication, Language and Literacy)

Things you need:
Alan the Alien video
Favourite Story books

Alan has been looking at WHERE words and playing hide and seek!
Can you copy the action for WHERE?
Today we will be looking at WHERE our favourite book characters are.
Can you help Alan figure out where they all are?!

Share/Comment with your family:
 Where was the Gruffalo?
Where was the Hungry Caterpillar?
Where was the tiger?
CHALLENGE: Can you think of your favourite book? Where are the characters in the story?

Coco the Butterfly!

Happy Friday everyone!!!
Are you ready to meet Coco the Butterfly?
We will be stretching our whole bodies and strengthening our muscles...

What is your favourite position?
Can you make up any more moves like a butterfly?
Can you make up a story about Coco the Butterfly's next adventure?

Thursday 16 July 2020

Monster Number Match

Help the Monsters find their friend by matching the numbers to the corresponding number of dots!
Make sure you point carefully to each dot!
Click on the monsters that match to win the game!

Can you practise writing your numbers to 10?
Design your own number monsters game to play at home!

Life Cycle of a Frog

                                                      HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                 (Communication, Language and Literacy)

Things you will need:
Tadpoles Promise Book or Video

Let's revisit the story.
Who can remember the key events in the story?

Let's think about the frog... 
How does the frog change in the story?
Do you know the other stages of a frogs life?

Can you draw the different stages of a frogs life?

Share/ Comment with your family:
How does a frog start its life?
What do frogs eat?
What does a frog turn into?
Where do frogs live?

Rainbow Weaving

This activity once completed will look great hung up in your house or bedroom! It is great for developing fine motor skills and building up the strength in your fingers!

Using a piece of white paper cut waves around the edge to make your cloud.  Ask for help to cut six straight lines horizontally across the cloud... like the picture shown below.
Then cut out strips of different brightly coloured paper. Weave the strips pf paper in and out to create the desired effect!

Please send any pictures to debeauvoirprimaryschool@gmail.com

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Rainbow Sponge Painting

We all love painting!
Check out this amazing rainbow painting technique simply using a sponge and paint!
What colours can you see in a rainbow?
Do you know the order of the colours?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet....

Simply place a blob of the rainbow colours onto a sponge and swipe gently across the paper....

For the full instructions and techniques click on the picture below...

Please send any pictures to debeauvoirprimaryschool@gmail.com

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

                                                    HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                       (Communication and Language)

Things you will need:
Tadpoles Promise Book or Video

Let's revisit the story.
Who can remember the key events in the story?

Let's think about the caterpillar... 
How does the caterpillar change in the story?
Do you know the other stages of a caterpillar's life? (think about our previous story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" for help!)

Can you draw the different stages of a butterflies life?

Share/ Comment with your family:
How does a caterpillar start its life?
What do caterpillars eat?
What does a caterpillar turn into?
Can you spot any caterpillars or butterflies?

Matching Fish!

Let's go fishing!!
Let's carefully count each card.. how many fish are on each card?
Can you match the quantity to the corresponding numerals?

Can you recognise your numbers to 5?
Can you do 4 claps/3 jumps/ 2 stomps?
Can you practise writing your numbers to 5?