Thursday 30 April 2020

Exploring shapes and colours

Here is a fun, interactive game to support colour and shape recognition!
How many colours can you recognise?
What shapes and patterns can you see?

'm' Sound Phonics

During the Summer term in Nursery we had started some quick, fun phonics lessons in preparation for Reception.The phonics programme we use starts with the letter sound 'm.'

Here is a video of how to pronounce the sound, some words that begin with the sound and how to write the sound.
When writing the sound point your magic finger and have a go at writing it in the air like a wand!

Playdough Finger Gym!

                                                           HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                                        (Physical Development- fine motor skills )
Playdough is great for building strength in the little muscles in children's fingers and hands. These are the same muscles which are then used for cutting using scissors or holding a pencil with pincer grasp!
Try these techniques with the playdough:

Flatten/Pat                                                                                 Roll into a ball and poke

                                       Knead/Squish                            Keep Rolling!

Share/Comment with your family:
Can you use the vocabulary to describe what you are doing?
What other techniques can you think of?
Please send any pictures to :)

Danny's Counting!

WOW Danny.. you have carefully counted the cheerios matching them to the correct number!!
Which is the BIGGEST number?
Which is the smallest number?

If anyone else has completed any of the activities I would love to see your pictures!
Please send to :)

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Storytime with Nick

Check out this YouTube channel with actor Nick Cannon. He is reading stories appropriate for Nursery on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 2pm.
We read stories at least 4 times a day in Nursery.. it is so important for language development!

What happened at the start of the story?
What characters did you see in the story?
What happened at the end of the story?
Can you retell any of the story?

Al-Ameen's Mark Making!

Al-Ameen has obviously been regularly looking at the blog and having a go at the activities!
Here he is using a paintbrush to write his name in salt sprinkles! 
Well done Al-Ameen! :)

               If you have any pictures please send them to

Lets Make Playdough

Playdough is a very popular activity in the Nursery and the children LOVE helping the teachers to make it at the start of each week!
Here is a simple recipe that you can make at home.

You will need:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup salt 
  • 1/2 cup water

Have fun!! 
Send your pictures to

WOW Nala!

One of Nala's favourite activities at Nursery was always mark making and drawing.
It is lovely to see Nala looking on the blog and completing the drawing tasks!
Great detail in your drawings Nala!
Here is her step by step drawing of a cat:
Nala thought the package I received was a picture frame of "me, my cousin Luna and Miss Deering all together!"- lovely idea Nala

Cereal Counting

                                                                  HOME LEARNING CARD
                                                                     (Mathematics- Counting)

What you will need:

Good Morning Nursery,
Ask a member of your family to help by writing the numbers 1-5 on pieces of paper.
Can you count the correct number of pieces of cereal to match the numeral.
Could you challenge yourself to go all the way to 10?!

Share/Comment with your family:
Can you recognise any of the numbers? 
Can you count on your fingers aswell? 
Which number is the biggest?
Which number is the smallest?

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Ready, Steady, Aim!

                                                         HOME LEARNING TASK 
                                                    (Mathematics- Counting & Physical Development)
What you will need:

  • Bin/basket/empty box
  • Paper/foil

Now this game requires good hand-eye coordination, spacial awareness AND we will be practising our counting skills:
CHALLENGE: Play with your family. See who is the first to get 5 balls in the basket!!
                                                                   From (
Share/Comment with your family:
How many did you get in the bin/basket?
Who got More?
Who got less?

Plants and Flowers

The dandelion mark making yesterday got me thinking about plants.
I love having plants and flowers around the house...

CHALLENGE: To talk about what you think a plant needs to stay alive!
Send your ideas to to help Miss Deering look after her plants!

Share/ Comment with your family
Do you have any plants at your house? Or have you seen any whilst going on a walk/in the park?
What do they look like? 
What do plants need to stay alive? 
Can you help water some plants? 

Walking through the Jungle

Good Morning Nursery...
Let's use our imagination and pretend we are on a safari walking through jungle, floating on the ocean, climbing in the mountains and swimming in the river etc.

Join in with the repeated phrase " What do you see? I think I see a .......... chasing after me!" using the animals you see on the video to help sing the song.

Where else could you pretend to be today? 

Monday 27 April 2020

Dandelion Mark Making!

So whilst researching different creative ways to mark make without using a pencil I came across this...
1. Whilst out for a walk collect a couple of dandelions for some secret writing!
2. Snip the end of the stalk and have a go at squeezing the stem while you write ( you could draw your family, write your name or think of your own ideas. )
I tried myself to write with it and I had to squeeze it really hard but it does work!! 
Have fun!

Sorting by Size!

Can you help sort out the objects into BIG and SMALL repeating and using the vocabulary!
Al-Ameen used different sized pom poms to sort- Well done!
What different objects can you sort around the house?

WOW Work

WOW Al- Ameen you have been keeping very busy at home!
You have been doing lots of painting, sticking, reading and matching colours and objects!
Al-Ameen told Miss he is now catboy!! Is anyone else pretending to be catboy or any other character?



Wake up!

Good morning Nursery,
What do you do when you wake up in the morning?

Listen to this song and join in with the words and actions!

CHALLENGE: Perform it to your family!

Friday 24 April 2020


Here's a fun game you can play...
Draw a hopscotch using chalk on the ground outside...
Throw a small object such as a stone and see what number it lands on. 
Then hopscotch to the number, pick it up and hopscotch back...

Count as you jump!
Can you recognise what number you object landed on?
Have a go at writing the number you land on!
 Have fun! :)


I wonder what new game you can explore tomorrow!

Parents and carers, keep an eye out tomorrow for your weekly text message from EasyPeasy with your new weekly game and tips!

It has been wonderful to see lots of people accessing it and commenting along!

Well done to:
 Miles, Da'Janae and Omar
who have visited the site this week lots of times with their parents/carers!

Dear Zoo Actions

                                                       HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
Click on the picture to watch the "Dear Zoo" story.

Can you choose three animals from the story and make up actions. (you can make up actions for all the animals if you like!)

Comment or send your pictures to and lets see if Miss Deering can guess which animals you are pretending to be! :)

Start Singing!

Good morning Nursery.
BBC Bitesize have some wonderful video and suggestions for activities.
This lessons focus has a video about warming up, a video showing you how to call and respond and three practical activities to try at home.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Sprinkle some Salt

                                                                      Home Learning Task Card

You will need:

  • Salt 
  • Paintbrush (you can use your finger)                                                  

 Sprinkle some table salt onto a flat surface (preferably dark so you can see the salt!)
Using the paintbrush/ your finger have a go at mark making different patterns we have learnt at Nursery...

Share and comment with family:
What shapes can you see?
Can you describe the pattern- long, round, straight, curved, wavy etc.

Please comment or send your pictures to

Count the spots

Hello I am Lionelle!
I keep loosing my freckles.. can you help me count how many I have on my face in each of the pictures?


Can you show how many using your fingers? 

What's in the box?

Good Morning Nursery,
So this morning I have received a box from the postman.
I wonder whether it is from the zoo!!
What do you think might be inside the box?
Have a go at drawing your ideas and send them to :)

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Step by Step Drawing

                                     HOME LEARNING CHALLENGE CARD

You will need:

We love drawing in Nursery so I have posted a step by step drawing of a cat for you to have a go at drawing. Have a look at each step and get your family to help you!!
Pick up your pencils its time to draw!!
Can you find any other step by step drawings online to have a go at! Send your drawings to
Look forward to seeing them! 

Dear Zoo-

Our first "Book of the Week" is the story "Dear Zoo"
What animal do you think I am?   

Watch the video of Miss Deering reading the story!

What animals did you see in the story?
Can you describe what the animals look like?

Teddy Counting

Good morning Nursery,

Here's an interactive maths game to start your day!
Remember to point carefully to each cake when feeding the teddy!

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Water Fun!

Today in Maths we are looking at capacity!
We will be using the vocabulary "full, half full, half empty and empty"

Complete the challenge card and try not to get too wet! :)

Guess The Sound!

I woke up this morning to the sound of birds tweeting near my window which got me thinking about all the different noises and sounds animals make.
So lets start by playing this fun game of "guessing the animal sounds."
Use your listening skills to identify which animals make which sound- get someone in your family to help pause the video while you all guess and then reveal!!
How many did you guess correctly?
Can you hear any animal noises in your house or when you have been out on a walk?