Friday 22 May 2020

Zumba Friday!!!

Its Friday again!
Lots of you said you like the dancing posts on the blog so I have found an easy Zumba dance for us to learn!!
Sing and dance along. Can you remember the dance moves?
Could you perform it for your family?

Have a wonderful half term holiday everyone!
Love Miss Deering, Miss Lucky, Miss Jackie

Listening Games

                                                         HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                                (Listening and Attention)

Developing listening skills is equally as important as learning to speak! Here are some games for practising listening skills over the holidays...

Comment/Share with family:
What sounds can you hear?
Is it louder?
Is it quieter?
Can you make up your own listening game?

Fine Motor Skills

Strengthening children's fine motor skills is an essential part of development. It is very important to help build up the muscles in their hands and fingers from a young age.
There are hundreds of different ways this can be done at home!!
I was scrolling along trying to find a suitable activity to post and came across this website...
It has lots and lots of ideas so you can choose one according to the resources/materials you have available at home!
Click on this picture link and have a go!! :)

You have the whole half term holiday so I challenge you to choose one fine motor activity a day!
Send your pictures to

Thursday 21 May 2020

Match the Numbers!

Here's an interactive game to practise counting and matching the numbers!
Can you count the spots and then place the ladybird on the corresponding number leaf!

Can you show me 5 fingers?
Can you show me 2 fingers?
What is one more than 1?
Can you write the numbers 1-5?

Oak Academy- Construction

                                                       HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                       (EAD- Construction and Building)
Things you will need:
Lego/Wooden blocks/ Duplo/ Stickle bricks

Lots of you guys have been telling me you have been loving playing with Lego at home.
So here is a building challenge to complete!!
Watch the video and get building....

Comment/Share with your family:
What did you make?
How many bricks did you use?
What shape is your building?
What might it be able to do?

Send your pictures to

World Meditation Day

Good Morning,
Today is World Meditation Day.
Meditation is the art of focusing on something (such as a picture, sound, an object or your own breathing.) This encourages attention and awareness and provides a calm state of mind.
Try this short breathing exercise if only for a few minutes...

It is very tricky to do!! Miss Deering meditates every day and finds it hard to stay focused!
Good Luck!

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Number Jacks Counting

A few of the parents asked for suggestions on educational shows to watch...
Number Jacks is a great programme covering a range of mathematical areas including counting, number recognition, shape, capacity, addition and lots more!
Click on the picture to check out this episode on counting.

Which numbers can you recognise?
How many can you count up to?
Can you spot any numbers in the environment?

Coin Rolling

                                                    HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                                  (Physical development- fine motor skills)
Things you will need:
Rolling items (see pic)

Using a variety of round coins, challenge your child to roll the coins on their end.
 If they are struggling to get the coin to roll you can use a range of lids and tape.

Comment/Share with your family:
How far can they roll them?
Which coin rolls the furthest? Bigger or smaller coins?
Can you roll the coin along the masking tape?

CHALLENGE: Try using different surfaces and see how far you can roll the coin!!!

Concept Cat- LOUD

Good Morning Nursery,
It's Concept Cat time again!

Were you able to not be loud and let Concept Cat have a sleep?
Did you wake Concept Cat up by being loud?
Can you remember what the sign for loud is?

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Rainbow Fish Painting

                                                       HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                             (Expressive Arts- Using different media to create effects)
Things you will need:

Create your own colourful Rainbow Fish!!
Ask someone in your family to help draw a fish.
Using different colour paints dip the celery into the paint and make a special rainbow pattern!
You can display it in your window!

Comment/Share with your family:
What colours have you used?
Can you make a colour pattern?
What is your favourite colour?
What is the name of your fish?

Squish the Fish!

When speaking on the phone last week a few of you said you enjoyed the different Yoga stretching stories that we have on the blog sometimes!
So here's one about "Squish the Fish..."
Maybe he is friends with the Rainbow Fish!

Please send any pictures to

What's the Weather?

Good Morning Nursery,
Every morning during our first session our "star of the day" would help count the children, sing the days of the week song (which was on the blog last week) and then look out the window to check the weather.

What's the weather like today?
Is it the same of different to the weather yesterday?
What is your favourite type of weather?

Monday 18 May 2020

Lego Counting Game

                                                      HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                                                ( Maths- Counting)

From speaking to everybody on the phone lots of your said you have been playing with Lego so here is a game you can play to practise your counting...

Things you will need:
Lego blocks
Something to make rings with e.g. straws

Using your Lego blocks build towers like the picture shown below.
Throw the rings and see how many you can aim onto the towers.
CHALLENGE: Can you get up to 10!!!

Comments/Share with your family:
How many rings did you throw altogether?
What is one more than?
What is one less than?

ABC Learning

Here is a website with lots of fun, engaging activities for you to try at home!
Click on the link to find a range of different art, Literacy and Maths games and challenges!

Please send in any photos to

The Rainbow Fish

Good Morning Nursery,
This week we will be looking at the book "The Rainbow Fish."
What can you see on the front cover?
What do you think the story is going to be about?

Was the Rainbow fish a kind friend by the end of the story?
What can you do to be a kind friend?

Friday 15 May 2020

Can't Stop the Feeling

Happy Friday Everyone!!!
It's time to get moving and dancing to one of our favourite songs!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
We miss you all
Miss Deering, Miss Lucky, Miss Jackie

A is for....

From speaking to parents some of you have been teaching some letter sounds. Now remember that children only need to recognise a few sounds before they get into Reception so don't worry about the whole alphabet!  I will be posting a couple of sounds a week on the blog to show your child.
It is OK if they don't remember the sound straight away it is just about exposure!
This video gives some words that begin with the sound 'a' and then a rhyme to remember how to write the sound!
Can you think of any more words that begin with the sound "a"?
Can you write the sound in the air with your magic finger? 
Can you spot any of the "a" sound in books/ signs/ packaging?

Car Tape Stories

Good Morning Nursery,
It was so wonderful to speak to most of you yesterday and hear what you have been up to!
It is great to hear that you have been using the blog.. some of you were doing the cotton bud painting whilst on the phone to me! :)

                                                HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                                                     (PD and EAD)
Things you will need:
Masking tape
Vehicles- e.g. cars, trains

Here are some ideas for when playing with your cars/ trains/ any vehicle...
Simply place the masking tape to make roads, buildings, parks etc to use during play.
It is great for physical development guiding the cars around the track.
It is also fun to make up stories about where your cars might be going!!

Comments/Share with your family:
Where could you cars be going? e.g. zoo, park, supermarket
Who is driving your car?
What might happen next?
Can you guide your car down all the straight roads?

Please send any pictures to

Thursday 14 May 2020

Alan the Alien's Rainbow Sentences

Alan the Alien is here today to teach some rainbow sentences.
He is going to remind you of the word WHO and what special action goes with the word. Can you remember?
We will also be learning a new phrase WHAT ARE THEY DOING with an action to go with it!
We will then be putting the actions together to figure out what is happening in the pictures...

This will help you to speak in full sentences.
Maybe try using these phrases and actions when looking at the pictures in a story!

Cotton Bud Painting

                                                        HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                                       (Literacy and EAD)

Things you will need:
Cotton buds
Paper with written letter sounds

Write down some letters from the alphabet or some significant words like your child's name or favourite toys etc.
Using a cotton bud allow your child to trace the letters by dipping them in paint.
A fun, engaging way to begin to recognise letter sounds! (it is not an expectation that they will recognise more than 3-4 before starting Reception!)

Comments/Share with family:
Can you see the sounds from your name?
Do you recognise any sounds?
Which sounds have straight lines?
Which sound shave curved lines?

PE with Joe

Morning Nursery,
So I have been doing around half an hour of exercise every day but the past few days I have felt very tired and lazy. But then I remembered how important it is to keep moving to stay fit and healthy!
We haven't done Joe Wicks morning workout for a while so join in and get your muscles pumping.

Remember Joe is on every weekday Monday-Friday at 9am.
You can find him on YouTube.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Toys Go to Nursery!

                                                        HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                              (Expressive arts- Recreating roles and experiences)
Things you will need:
Cuddly toys

Invite your toys and family members to attend Nursery.
Pretend to be the teacher:
You could sing your favourite song
You could use a favourite book using the pictures to retell the story.
You could teach your toys counting, colours, numbers, shapes etc.

Comment/Share with your family:
What have you learnt today?
What is your favourite song?
What is your favourite story?
How many toys are in Nursery today?

Little Pigs Stretch!

Here's a little lunch time stretch for you relating to the story "The Three Little Pigs" from this morning!
Can you make up your own poses for the wolf and the pig?

What happens at the start of the story?
What happens in the middle of the story?
What happens at the end of the story?

CHALLENGE: Can you make up a different ending to the story?

Story Time- The Three Little Pigs

Good Morning Nursery,
Usually at Nursery we read lots and lots of books as a whole class on the carpet, in small groups to discuss the story and with our friends in the reading corner!
Here is one of our favourite stories for you to enjoy.
First let's look at the front cover...
What can you see?
Who are the characters in the story?
What are the key events in the story?
Click on the link to watch the video.
Can you re-enact parts of the story?
What character could you be?

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Melody's Concept Cat- "Different"

Did you enjoy the concept cat lesson last week using the word "BIG" to compare different objects?
This weeks lesson is using the word DIFFERENT. Do you know what it means?
Take a look at what Concept Cat has to say....

Can you find any objects which are different at your house?
What is different about them?
What words could you use to describe them? 

Pizza Counting!

                                                             HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                                           ( Maths - Counting and recognising numbers)                                                           
Things you will need:
2 paper plates
Coloured crayons or coloured stickers

Write numbers 1-8 on a paper plate (making it look like pizza slices)
Using another paper plate to draw different number of spots on each slice (1-8)
Count the dots carefully and see if you can match the corresponding dots to the number to create a whole pizza.
Comment/Share with your family:
Which numbers do you recognise?
How many dots can you carefully count?
Can you match them together?

CHALLENGE: Count how many dots altogether on two pizza slices!

Animal Boogie

Good Morning Nursery,
We have been looking at wild animals in some of our stories and activities.
What animals can you spot hiding in the jungle?
Can you join in with the repeated phrases from the story?

Get moving and dancing!!
Can you learn your favourite part of the song?
What other animals might be hiding in the jungle? What might they move like?

Monday 11 May 2020

Hide and Reveal

                                                            HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                                               (Communication and Language)
Things you will need:
Tea towel/Cloth
Range of familiar objects e.g. car, hairbrush, tin of food etc...
How to Play:
Collect 5 items from around the house.
Hide them under a tea towel or cloth.
Remove one object without showing your child.
Reveal the objects that are left and see if they can guess which object is missing

Comments/Share with family:
Which one do you think is missing?
Can you describe what it looks like?
Make it a challenge by adding more objects!

Toy Shop Counting

Here is a game which gets you carefully counting out money to buy toys from the toy shop!
Choose counting in 1p up to 10. Can you recognise any of the numbers? Can you count the money very carefully?

 Maybe you could make your own money using paper and set up a toy shop at home!
How much would it cost to buy your toys? Play with your family!

Send pictures of your toy shop to

Rolling Pin Rainbow Painting

Good Morning Nursery,
People have been displaying rainbows as a symbol of peace and hope for each other!
Try this rainbow painting with a rolling pin and some paint...

Send you rainbow pictures to

Friday 8 May 2020

Shadow Drawing

                                                        HOME LEARNING TASK CARD
                                                              (Literacy- Mark Making)
Things you will need:
Objects- toys, flowers

It is such a sunny day today! Take some paper, a pen and a toy out in the sunshine.
Place the object on the paper and draw around the shadow!

Comment/Share with your family:
Why is there a shadow on the paper?
What shapes have you drawn?
What colours could you use?

Please send your drawings to!
I look forward to seeing them!

Shake you Sillies Out!

Good morning Nursery!
This song was one of our absolute favourites in Nursery and it got everybody up on their feet shaking their sillies out and jogging their jitters away!
Join in with the actions and song....

You could play "musical statues"- Dance and get a member of your family to pause the music- when you hear the music stop freeze like a statue! :)

Thursday 7 May 2020

Shape Patterns

Patterns are everywhere!
Today we will be looking at some simple shape patterns using an interactive online game!
What shapes can you see in the environment?
Can you find 1 circle, 2 triangles and 4 squares?
Can you help the train move along the tracks by clicking the right shape to complete the pattern?

Can you make up your own shape patterns?
You can even make up some two colour patters- e.g. red,blue, red, blue, red, blue!

Magic Letters

                                                             HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                                      (Literacy- Letter Sounds)
Things you will need:

Let's recap the sound "m" that we learnt last week!
Practise drawing it in the air and then with the chalk. "Maisie, mountain, mountain."
Then using the paintbrush and water let's make it disappear like magic!
Watch the video and copy it....

Share/Comment with family:
What other letter sounds can you write?
Can you write your name?

Go Noodle!

Good Morning Nursery,
We have danced a couple of Go Noodle songs from the blog before...but they have a whole family section of songs to choose from! 
Click on the link to choose from a range of different songs and dances this morning.

What is your favourite song? Can you learn the words?
Can you make up your own dance moves to a song?

Wednesday 6 May 2020


it is important to be reading and beginning to retell stories every day to help develop vocabulary and story telling skills!
Do you remember the story Elmer that we read in Nursery about a colourful patchwork elephant?
We created our own story map of the key events from the story to help us retell the story with our teachers and friends.

Watch the video and see if you can remember three key events from the story.

Discuss the story... e.g.... 
What was your favourite part of the story? 
What else might have happened at the end of the story?
Who were the characters in the story? 
What did Elmer look like? 

Oak Academy- Daily Routines

                                                         HOME LEARNING TASK CARD 
                                                                     (Maths- Daily Routines)
Following on from our "Days of the Week" song we are going to be thinking about daily routines!
1. First you need to get one of your favourite toys.
2. Watch this video about a typical day.....
Let's have a think about some of the key words used in the video....

Comments/Share with family:
What do you do in the morning? e.g In the morning I eat my breakfast.
What do you do in the afternoon? e.g. In the afternoon I go for a walk in the park.
What do you do at night- time? e.g. At night time I read a story and go to sleep!