Tuesday 14 April 2020

Two little goats

We have read the story of the Three Little Billy Goats Gruff in class. It is the story of three little goats and their adventures across the bridge to the sweet grass on the other side. There is a scary, horrible goat-eating troll who lives under the bridge. 

I wonder if you can tell your grown-ups what happens in the story. 
Can you use the words.... 'Who's that trip trapping over my bridge?'
Can you draw a picture of  a goat or you could draw a picture of a troll?

The three billy goats work as a team and together they defeat the mean troll. We can all learn from our friends and below there is a video about two little goats going for a wander. 

I wonder if you can talk to someone in your house about what they learn from each other and why it is good to listen to your friends. Tell a grown-up what happens in the story. 

Write your comments below or email pictures to debeauvoirprimary@gmail.com. 

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