Friday 26 June 2020

We had a super, splendid, sunny week in our EYFS bubble!

This week we have enjoyed exploring and learning with the story 'The Very Busy Spider'. We have been so super busy just like the Spider!

We made and wrote about our Spider Treats, we went on a minibeast hunt and look what we found - a big, brown spider!

We created lots of art pieces to show the Very Busy Spider.

We wrote secret messages with crayon and water colour paint.

We used minibeasts and our hands to create paintings.

We practised our turn taking skills and created lots of new games.

We explored ways to make a 'lava lamp', and were really flexible with our learning as it didn't go exactly to plan!

We used our Fine Motor Skills to carefully pick out and categorise colourful counters under a sticky web.

We used chalk to mark make.

We became 'Spiderman' and took part in a sport session!

We discovered a sticky web in our classroom and counted how many 'flies' we could catch.

We even made some sun beds to keep us nice and cool.

It has been a fun-filled, busy week in our EYFS bubble!

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